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“Alone we strive forward, TOGETHER WE  REACH OUR GOAL" Gregor Haze


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We are proud to be Medical Cannabis Advocates & we feel the time is overdue to take back our freedoms which have been taken from us. 2014 & in many countries around the world, the views on Cannabis are some of the most uneducated nonsense written into law by people of power. Cannabis alone for its medicinal value's is outstanding & the purpose of our group is to insure a fair approach to the reform of silly laws made by people who actually have no clue about Cannabis & seem to miss the big picture " PROMOTION'S ON TAP, MARKETING FOR A LIVING, ADVOCATING TILL WE DROP!" by Moving Seeds Inc


If you believe in freedom from persecution by Government's that inflict silly laws in relation to Cannabis please sign this petition. Why is it okay for people of power to promote 1 drug over any other? To make profits from Alcohol & Tobacco responsible for countless deaths, yet make (illegal) Cannabis which in its history (to our knowledge) has not lead to the death of any 1 person. Its the year 2014 and Government's around the world ban a drug that makes people happy & promote a drug that will eventually kill them, things need to change!

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